Thursday, October 14, 2010

First and LAST address

Alright. So contuary to popular belief, the blog that I was going to do had NOTHING to do with the twitter drama that has been unfolding. 
I have been constantly harassed by these group of sick people for the past few months, but actually after RACIAL slurs were thrown at me, I finally went to the police and contacted the cyber-crime division of the FBI. 
Now this shit has gone a step further. Someone came into my very crowded chatroom and posted my home address, proceeded to threaten me if I called the police and informed me that I will be seeing them soon. Oh and also describing what my sister was wearing that day. (I'm totally serious there were witnesses to this)
The next morning I woke up to four slashed tires on my car and a very disturbing note that I won't repeat here for legal reasons. 
Needless to say this has gone too far, to the point of my personal safety being threatened and those that I love.
I know that there are about 6 to 7 people behind this harassment as some of them was doing it a few months ago, claiming that I was an unruly 16 year old child and creating fake profiles in my name and so forth.

As far as the blog, twitter and racial slurs. I specifically know the 3 people behind this. All three of which will be prosecuted.  
I have no named them yet and wont on a blog because I don't want to give them time to make up a bullshit lie to cover their asses, but of course by now they know that I who they are.
They continue to tweet and make blog posts, because the feel it will confuse me, but it's not confusing me at all. I know your tactic. 
But you went too far with this latest shit and now it has boiled over to a federal crime. 
The person that is in the U.K. You are not protected or safe there at all. I am and will travel there when we have to go to court for your involvement in this. I have the means to do so and yes I hate your ass THAT much.
The person that is behind the blog is sickest of all, but thats ok. This person is not only getting prosecuted for the harassment but an extra something special.
See some of what this blog said is true. I have not lied about anything concerning the death hoax. I really havent. what you see is what you get. Its your choice not to believe me, but all of my videos are theory. As for other things that I have mentioned its your choice to believe them or not.
Some of these people are coming after me because of things that I have no control over and are going to try to use that against me. But they will fail, because what a person does or says that is NOT me, has nothing to do with me as a person.

But this "V" person is right. I can't deliver or promise hope to anybody and I never have. There are many things that I know through my own research and through people that I know, but I have either not shared them with anybody at all, or shared them with a very small amount of people that I mistakenly trusted at the time.  But I have never promised hope in about Michael in ANY video. 
Michael has provided us with his own form of hope. Hope that he is alive and living his life. NOT that he will return to us or anything. 

Most things that I know about Michael, I keep to myself because I made the mistake of telling people something before and it completely backfired.
I don't play with people or mislead them. I hate when people do that and work very hard against it. But I am also the kind of person that likes to give everybody the benefit of the doubt, because you never really know.

I have made it NO secret what I feel Michaels message is. I do not believe that its all love and happiness and peace. I believe that those things are part of it, but I also believe Michaels message is about truth of what is going ON in our world and how it is being affected. Michaels message has got very little to do with how Maura is living her day to day life.

I have never claimed to be a person that likened myself to Michael Jackson. He is not my Jesus Christ or Messiah in any way. I love and respect him and do what I can to show people what I think he wanted us to see by way of his career and some life choices he made. But the buck stops there.

I am who I am and if Michael Jackson himself told me he  didnt like who I was, I'd tell him to fuck off.
But I am 100% certain that Michael has no problem whatsoever with who I am as an individual. Michael has had to live much of his life really stifling his true self because he was constantly judged by the masses. I think that he takes pleasure in people that are open with accepting who they are.

I am not a bad person. I do not hurt people. Any incident that has taken place, you will see that I am not the person that created the problem. 
People are telling MANY lies to justify their actions and its sick.

I am amazed that this V has actual followers on twitter. I am amazed that I was called a Nigger in front of two other black females and these two females still visit this chatroom AND talk and laugh with this person that did it.
People have the damn right to say that I MISREPRESENT  Michael Jackson? By being myself and not taking shit from people. But they terrorize, torment people with blogs and tweets. They support racism and somebody that is trying to STEAL Michael's identity and support over all abuse that is completely unjustified. 

This is all crazy and certainly not what I signed up for. I started doing this because I wanted to know what happened to Michael Jackson. I wanted to know if he was dead or alive. If he was safe or not and what his future plans were if was alive.
I have an answer to almost all of those things and have for some time now. 
I supposed that I got caught up in this life because it was something out of my realm of normalcy and was something very exciting. 
I met so many amazing new people that have changed my life in bad ways but most have changed my life in the best of ways. One person in particular has made my life so beautiful and perfect and without ANY Of this I would have never met him.
So I don't have any regrets. I honestly don't. But this is just not worth it anymore to me. Michael is safe and sound in the comfort of his home and working on his next career move and how to provide his children with the best and most normal upbringing possible. He's fine
I miss being fine. I am in a very good place in my life right now. In the process of going back to school for what i REALLY want to do. I have met the most amazing man on Earth that has shown me the real meaning of what life is all about. Love :)  And I have taken from this friends that I wouldn't trade for the world.
No matter what videos are released about me full of libel and defamation. No matter what tweets are done about me or what blogs are done about me. My CIRCLE OF FRIENDS know my heart and they are the ones that matter. I was never in this for any kind of fame so if a few thousand people hate me because of a lie. It won't bother me. Those that really love me and know me, will never believe such garbage.
I really have gone to the police about all of this, but I realize because it is a cyber crime it will take some time to process. There fore I am sure that there will be weeks of this to come. But thats ok. It builds a stronger case for court.
I am not going to respond to ANYTHING else regarding this situation... Its out of my hands now.
But you know, people should be very very careful... If you think that you are protected behind a computer screen you are very wrong. 
There are certain people involved in this that can not risk having their personal information exposed online. These people don't believe in letting the "law" take care of their troubles... They handle things on their own.
All jokes aside... Be very VERY careful who you fuck with online. Because you NEVER know who it is...
You were warned.

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