Thursday, October 21, 2010


Alright. Staight and to the point. People feel inclined to keep coming to me and telling me that Andrea
(mjslove4ever) is hanging out in the Neverlandhomeroom and went on mic today to unleash a nasty rant about me.
Ok. REAL talk, im not playing this game with ANYBODY anymore. No matter who you are, what the situation is or isnt or whatever the fuck, im WALKING away from it.  But this is what im going to say and im done.

Over the past week I have been in the hospital ONE day and the rest of my time has be spent either packing, moving or spending 95% of my time with my boyfriend.

I am SAD and HURT by what happened with Andrea because there was NO explanation offered other than people wanted to walk away from the DRAMA. And I completely understand that. That is why  BOTH of my chatrooms were closed and a small private one was created. THAT is why i deleted MY twitter FIRST and made another one. Because I wanted the drama GONE.

I am VERY hurt and upset by what happened with andrea and a few others. MORE so her because Andrea was along side me the ENTIRE time drama was going on and we equally caused it.
She got pissed of f at ME because THEDOCTORSAID HATES HER. I am NOT the doctorsaid.
He WENT on mic in my room. He has spoke to many people and has released information about MJ that was true later. I am not this dude and MET him when you guys did. He does not like her because he says that she is untrustworthy, a liar and a trouble maker. He told me that awhile ago but I never listened to him because i DID NOT AGREE WITH THAT SHIT.

I dont KNOW what the fucking problem is. I really dont and I DONT care. I have MY life to live and thats what im going to do. I dont put up with this fuckign childish bullshit from anyone anymore.
I have come to realize that for as smart as I am im VERY stupid. I trust people that I shouldnt and get put in the middle of shit without realizing.
If Andrea or anybody wants to go on mic and bash me or insult me they CAN. Because I dont care anymore.
Something fucked up happened to me and made me realize how fragile and short life can be. I am focusing my time and energy on those that want to live a positive existence and not hurt people.
 I am human and I am hurt, but im not playing games with people anymore. Its not worth it. People keep threatening that they have shit on me. FINE release it. I dont GIVE a fuck. Because only GOD can judge me nobody else.

WHOMEVER you are, there is no need to tell me about Andrea or anybody else that wants to do things to hurt me. I am getting BACK to why I started this in the first place. Thats all I can and will do from now on from the time I  finish this blog. If Andrea is really in that room and on mic TELLING people shit about me, AGREEING with the racial attacks on me and the hate that the ROOM was put through. Then that speaks volumes and i dont need to hear shit from anybody, because in my honest opinion that means that I did not lose a friend.

Andybody that really wants to get back to MICHAEL, LOVE, NON-ONLINE DRAMA, NO LITTLE BITCH FIGHTS, JUST MICHAEL, LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP. Reach out to me and we can do that.

Somebody has to be the grown up and end this shit once and for all.

Andrea im just going to say to you. YOU were the one that found out about leahcim supposedly being John Cena, YOU told me not to trust  LYSA, JAMES and WHOS. YOU spent hours camped outside of neverlandhome "spying". I never did ANY of that shit. YOU were a catalyst with that drama and now you are trying to pin that shit on me and say "I understand you"? Are you kidding me?
We all fucked up and all of us acted STUPID this last month or so. But what you are doing is really wrong and messed up. You KNOW how much you contributed to that shit Andrea!!!! You were the fucking GO BETWEEN always running to tell what was going on or being said.  Now you want to hang in there and talk shit on me? SHHHHHHHHHITTT they can have your ass. Who needs enemies with friends like that???
All the shit you caused , all the times YOU wouldnt let it go and you are doing this? I almost want to apologize to A LOT of people in that room as well. I feel like a damn fool.. 

I dont have anything else to say on this matter. My life is not perfect, but its too good and has too much to offer to put up with this kind of bullshit. No matter what you fire back or do, i will NOT respond because you arent worth the attention that yo' ass wants.
"Let it fly if it dont apply"

Im done
