Sunday, October 24, 2010

Easily consumed

 I'm a lot of things but stupid is not one of them.

I am not needy or desperate for friends or attention. 

I don't intentionally hurt people because there is nothing better to do or nothing good on tv.

I did not get involved into the Michael Jackson death hoax because I saw it as a golden opportunity to get attention or internet fame.

You can always recognize that we are all human and we all make mistakes. People make mistakes

Most things can be forgiven.

Some things can NEVER be forgiven.

I am an extremly sensitive person.

When I call somebody my friend, I mean it.

Michael Jackson has made an unchangeable impact on my life.

Both good and bad.

I'm in love with a man that deserves way more than I could ever offer.

I mostly trust the wrong people in life and get fucked over for it.

I mostly distrust the right people in life and get fucked over for it.

(I've never in my life been skinny but hate most foods.)

See That is making everything all about me. That is me being an attention seeking bitch. I'm so glad that last night  all good friends were able to come together and discuss differences and get an understanding of many things that have gone wrong over the past few months. I was able to get a good nights rest knowing that there doesnt have to be a division amongst people that genuinely care about one another. I am glad that people got to say what they needed to say to clear the air. But some things are undeniable unforgivable and there are some words and actions that you cant just turn a blind eye to. All that I wanted to do before walking away from this was to bring peace of mind to the innocent people affected by this online drama. I sincerely apologize to people who just got caught in the middle of madness when all that they tried to do was enjoy Michel Jackson's hoax death investigation. It's not fair and everybody should not have been subjected to people hating me. There was a blog written about me. A very distasteful and sick blog written about me and I have no idea who wrote it. But i actually agree with most of it and i'm sorry with any of you that have been hurt by me even if it was unintentional. Someone told me today to go and look at a few twitters and get a perspective of who and who not to trust. It was like a knife in my heart to read some of the shit that I saw said about me and planned against me. Especially by someone that I honestly would have trusted with my life just a week ago. I spoke with this person last night and im glad that we did. But reading some of their tweets about me really really really fucked me up. Seeing a youtube interview done by a person who at one time I was planning to fly out to and spend a few weeks with, and to have him slam me against a wall on a youtube video, yeah does something to me. Things going on in my life out side of the internet, horrific things that I am experiencing that I refuse to bring to the internet because I dont want it later used against me, all of it takes its toll. I love Michael Jackson and meant every word of my last video. Its so important for people to get the grind of what really happened to him while exercising his message of peace everyday as well in a different experience. This started out about Michael Jackson and it should end being about Michael Jackson no matter what conclusion is drawn. It should not be about an unlovable fucked up girl that NOBODY can fully love or trust. I honestly hope that you guys do Michael justice and see what it is that he is trying to show us. All of you are smart and can work together to do this. I can not face another week of saying the wrong thing to piss the wrong person and risk a blog, video or tweet calling me the worst thought of names. Or accusing me of being people or characters that I am not. Telling me to kill myself or when my stomach bleeds from my ulcer telling me  to "bleed out". I just cant. I remember being four years old and my biological father looking me square in my eyes and telling me that I ruined his life, was unlovable and that I would spend the rest of my life just being a cancer on people. Its fucked up to be 26 years old and hear people that you thought loved you say the same thing. This is not just internet stuff that i'm talking about. I just learned to keep things going on in my actual life away from the internet because of what happened to me before. But there is something very VERY fucked up that im experiencing in my life right now that is also just too much to deal with. I really hope that you guys can now all find the peace and friendship that apparently i was keeping everybody from having. Im sorry. Michael Jackson deserves your full attention and your full dedication to what happened to him. Dont let anything or anybody stand in your way of that anymore. I love you. 

I wrote this

He is and was heaven  bound but heaven not just yet.
Seeking truth and untying tangled knots of hope and submitted confusion 
Staring into the sun and distorting a lost perception
Is he? Is he not?
Looking to everything. Looking to everyone for the answer.
Never looking to him.
Tidal wave of promise rushing to the tips of my toes
Pulling back just as I feel the sensation.
This battle fought for you was never meant to be lost or one
Only fought
I love YOU more.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Actions Speak Louder than words

Ok, so a few months ago before all of the crazy drama in hoaxland, myself and some people from my chatroom came up with an idea to have some sort of organization , that would try to act on Michael's message.

It was a really cool idea that got interrupted by some things that started to happen. We never really got the chance to get back to it. It's not hoax related at all actually, but just a way to put forth Michaels message and what he tried so desperately to put out there in to the communties. The importance of children and helping one another out.

There were two separate entities 
1;) Operation S.C.R.E.A.M (Social.Consiousness. Recognizing. Equality And Morality)
I think with this, we were basically going to figure out ways to make people aware important it is have social consciousness in their actions in day to day life. How important it is to accept and respect one anothers differences. This could be done by having a website dedicated to posting stories of social injustice, having things signed and passed and finding different ways to raise online awareness. Mainly getting MJ fans to be a part of it.

2.) Operation C.R.Y (Collectively. Restoring. Youth)
It's always been so important to Michael for people to be aware of children and how important it is for children to BE children. Just in my own chatroom i've seen how children can spend the entire day in front of a computer screen when they should be doing something more productive with their time. If kids do spend a lot of time online there should be resources for them to find things more positive and less dangerous to do. This project could be a way to better safeguard kids online. Set up a positive social network  place. It also could be a part that raises awareness against child abuse, child homelessness and mental illness/issues that often affect teens.

These are ideas just thrown out there. But it's something that I want to start getting back into again. Everybody is sort of scattered and we never really put the idea out there for EVERYBODY. So here it is.

If you are interested in being involved in any way  please send me an email @

I think that the dust has settled with most of the drama and im ready to put my money where my mouth is and DO something that proves that Michael has taught me A LOT about being aware of making CHANGE. If you are interested please contact me.


Lisa Marie Interview Part 1

Alright so I just got through part 1 of the LMP interview with Oprah from today.
Alot of people seem to be trippin for some reason about her going on Oprah. 
I didn't see the entire interview yet, so I dont know what was said that have people so pissed off. 
From the first part though, I don't see anything really wrong.
 People are saying that she did this interview for the purpose of promoting her album . That doesnt even make sense if her album isn't even due out until way next year.
Lisa seems very genuine in this interview so far. She seems apologetic and sincere. She seems like she is finally being honest about her relationship with Michael. So far she does not seem like she has confirmed that Michael suffers from any sort of drug problem. Does she? She just said she became suspicious that there might be an issue after he collapsed in 1995. She did not say that there was an indication of DRUG ABUSE though.
I don't know what to make of the first part though. I mean as to whether she is carrying some kind of guilt because she really thinks Michael is dead, or if she is doing her friend a favor.

I do find it strange that all of these people are "setting the record straight" on Michael right around the time his name is uncovered. 

We all know that Oprah is a bitch, but TAJ confirmed that she had spoken to MJs kids too. Why would the family allow that? Are we starting to think that maybe Oprah has a bigger role in this than we think?
What are your thoughts?? Post below and let me know.

**Please keep this RELEVANT to the interview and hoax. Don't post trash about me. This isnt the time or place and is extremely disrespectful to Michael. Don't bring drama here ok?**


Alright. Staight and to the point. People feel inclined to keep coming to me and telling me that Andrea
(mjslove4ever) is hanging out in the Neverlandhomeroom and went on mic today to unleash a nasty rant about me.
Ok. REAL talk, im not playing this game with ANYBODY anymore. No matter who you are, what the situation is or isnt or whatever the fuck, im WALKING away from it.  But this is what im going to say and im done.

Over the past week I have been in the hospital ONE day and the rest of my time has be spent either packing, moving or spending 95% of my time with my boyfriend.

I am SAD and HURT by what happened with Andrea because there was NO explanation offered other than people wanted to walk away from the DRAMA. And I completely understand that. That is why  BOTH of my chatrooms were closed and a small private one was created. THAT is why i deleted MY twitter FIRST and made another one. Because I wanted the drama GONE.

I am VERY hurt and upset by what happened with andrea and a few others. MORE so her because Andrea was along side me the ENTIRE time drama was going on and we equally caused it.
She got pissed of f at ME because THEDOCTORSAID HATES HER. I am NOT the doctorsaid.
He WENT on mic in my room. He has spoke to many people and has released information about MJ that was true later. I am not this dude and MET him when you guys did. He does not like her because he says that she is untrustworthy, a liar and a trouble maker. He told me that awhile ago but I never listened to him because i DID NOT AGREE WITH THAT SHIT.

I dont KNOW what the fucking problem is. I really dont and I DONT care. I have MY life to live and thats what im going to do. I dont put up with this fuckign childish bullshit from anyone anymore.
I have come to realize that for as smart as I am im VERY stupid. I trust people that I shouldnt and get put in the middle of shit without realizing.
If Andrea or anybody wants to go on mic and bash me or insult me they CAN. Because I dont care anymore.
Something fucked up happened to me and made me realize how fragile and short life can be. I am focusing my time and energy on those that want to live a positive existence and not hurt people.
 I am human and I am hurt, but im not playing games with people anymore. Its not worth it. People keep threatening that they have shit on me. FINE release it. I dont GIVE a fuck. Because only GOD can judge me nobody else.

WHOMEVER you are, there is no need to tell me about Andrea or anybody else that wants to do things to hurt me. I am getting BACK to why I started this in the first place. Thats all I can and will do from now on from the time I  finish this blog. If Andrea is really in that room and on mic TELLING people shit about me, AGREEING with the racial attacks on me and the hate that the ROOM was put through. Then that speaks volumes and i dont need to hear shit from anybody, because in my honest opinion that means that I did not lose a friend.

Andybody that really wants to get back to MICHAEL, LOVE, NON-ONLINE DRAMA, NO LITTLE BITCH FIGHTS, JUST MICHAEL, LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP. Reach out to me and we can do that.

Somebody has to be the grown up and end this shit once and for all.

Andrea im just going to say to you. YOU were the one that found out about leahcim supposedly being John Cena, YOU told me not to trust  LYSA, JAMES and WHOS. YOU spent hours camped outside of neverlandhome "spying". I never did ANY of that shit. YOU were a catalyst with that drama and now you are trying to pin that shit on me and say "I understand you"? Are you kidding me?
We all fucked up and all of us acted STUPID this last month or so. But what you are doing is really wrong and messed up. You KNOW how much you contributed to that shit Andrea!!!! You were the fucking GO BETWEEN always running to tell what was going on or being said.  Now you want to hang in there and talk shit on me? SHHHHHHHHHITTT they can have your ass. Who needs enemies with friends like that???
All the shit you caused , all the times YOU wouldnt let it go and you are doing this? I almost want to apologize to A LOT of people in that room as well. I feel like a damn fool.. 

I dont have anything else to say on this matter. My life is not perfect, but its too good and has too much to offer to put up with this kind of bullshit. No matter what you fire back or do, i will NOT respond because you arent worth the attention that yo' ass wants.
"Let it fly if it dont apply"

Im done


Thursday, October 14, 2010

First and LAST address

Alright. So contuary to popular belief, the blog that I was going to do had NOTHING to do with the twitter drama that has been unfolding. 
I have been constantly harassed by these group of sick people for the past few months, but actually after RACIAL slurs were thrown at me, I finally went to the police and contacted the cyber-crime division of the FBI. 
Now this shit has gone a step further. Someone came into my very crowded chatroom and posted my home address, proceeded to threaten me if I called the police and informed me that I will be seeing them soon. Oh and also describing what my sister was wearing that day. (I'm totally serious there were witnesses to this)
The next morning I woke up to four slashed tires on my car and a very disturbing note that I won't repeat here for legal reasons. 
Needless to say this has gone too far, to the point of my personal safety being threatened and those that I love.
I know that there are about 6 to 7 people behind this harassment as some of them was doing it a few months ago, claiming that I was an unruly 16 year old child and creating fake profiles in my name and so forth.

As far as the blog, twitter and racial slurs. I specifically know the 3 people behind this. All three of which will be prosecuted.  
I have no named them yet and wont on a blog because I don't want to give them time to make up a bullshit lie to cover their asses, but of course by now they know that I who they are.
They continue to tweet and make blog posts, because the feel it will confuse me, but it's not confusing me at all. I know your tactic. 
But you went too far with this latest shit and now it has boiled over to a federal crime. 
The person that is in the U.K. You are not protected or safe there at all. I am and will travel there when we have to go to court for your involvement in this. I have the means to do so and yes I hate your ass THAT much.
The person that is behind the blog is sickest of all, but thats ok. This person is not only getting prosecuted for the harassment but an extra something special.
See some of what this blog said is true. I have not lied about anything concerning the death hoax. I really havent. what you see is what you get. Its your choice not to believe me, but all of my videos are theory. As for other things that I have mentioned its your choice to believe them or not.
Some of these people are coming after me because of things that I have no control over and are going to try to use that against me. But they will fail, because what a person does or says that is NOT me, has nothing to do with me as a person.

But this "V" person is right. I can't deliver or promise hope to anybody and I never have. There are many things that I know through my own research and through people that I know, but I have either not shared them with anybody at all, or shared them with a very small amount of people that I mistakenly trusted at the time.  But I have never promised hope in about Michael in ANY video. 
Michael has provided us with his own form of hope. Hope that he is alive and living his life. NOT that he will return to us or anything. 

Most things that I know about Michael, I keep to myself because I made the mistake of telling people something before and it completely backfired.
I don't play with people or mislead them. I hate when people do that and work very hard against it. But I am also the kind of person that likes to give everybody the benefit of the doubt, because you never really know.

I have made it NO secret what I feel Michaels message is. I do not believe that its all love and happiness and peace. I believe that those things are part of it, but I also believe Michaels message is about truth of what is going ON in our world and how it is being affected. Michaels message has got very little to do with how Maura is living her day to day life.

I have never claimed to be a person that likened myself to Michael Jackson. He is not my Jesus Christ or Messiah in any way. I love and respect him and do what I can to show people what I think he wanted us to see by way of his career and some life choices he made. But the buck stops there.

I am who I am and if Michael Jackson himself told me he  didnt like who I was, I'd tell him to fuck off.
But I am 100% certain that Michael has no problem whatsoever with who I am as an individual. Michael has had to live much of his life really stifling his true self because he was constantly judged by the masses. I think that he takes pleasure in people that are open with accepting who they are.

I am not a bad person. I do not hurt people. Any incident that has taken place, you will see that I am not the person that created the problem. 
People are telling MANY lies to justify their actions and its sick.

I am amazed that this V has actual followers on twitter. I am amazed that I was called a Nigger in front of two other black females and these two females still visit this chatroom AND talk and laugh with this person that did it.
People have the damn right to say that I MISREPRESENT  Michael Jackson? By being myself and not taking shit from people. But they terrorize, torment people with blogs and tweets. They support racism and somebody that is trying to STEAL Michael's identity and support over all abuse that is completely unjustified. 

This is all crazy and certainly not what I signed up for. I started doing this because I wanted to know what happened to Michael Jackson. I wanted to know if he was dead or alive. If he was safe or not and what his future plans were if was alive.
I have an answer to almost all of those things and have for some time now. 
I supposed that I got caught up in this life because it was something out of my realm of normalcy and was something very exciting. 
I met so many amazing new people that have changed my life in bad ways but most have changed my life in the best of ways. One person in particular has made my life so beautiful and perfect and without ANY Of this I would have never met him.
So I don't have any regrets. I honestly don't. But this is just not worth it anymore to me. Michael is safe and sound in the comfort of his home and working on his next career move and how to provide his children with the best and most normal upbringing possible. He's fine
I miss being fine. I am in a very good place in my life right now. In the process of going back to school for what i REALLY want to do. I have met the most amazing man on Earth that has shown me the real meaning of what life is all about. Love :)  And I have taken from this friends that I wouldn't trade for the world.
No matter what videos are released about me full of libel and defamation. No matter what tweets are done about me or what blogs are done about me. My CIRCLE OF FRIENDS know my heart and they are the ones that matter. I was never in this for any kind of fame so if a few thousand people hate me because of a lie. It won't bother me. Those that really love me and know me, will never believe such garbage.
I really have gone to the police about all of this, but I realize because it is a cyber crime it will take some time to process. There fore I am sure that there will be weeks of this to come. But thats ok. It builds a stronger case for court.
I am not going to respond to ANYTHING else regarding this situation... Its out of my hands now.
But you know, people should be very very careful... If you think that you are protected behind a computer screen you are very wrong. 
There are certain people involved in this that can not risk having their personal information exposed online. These people don't believe in letting the "law" take care of their troubles... They handle things on their own.
All jokes aside... Be very VERY careful who you fuck with online. Because you NEVER know who it is...
You were warned.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Exhibit B: The internet provides very little privacy...

IP Address:

Information on this IP address: server location:
London in United Kingdom ISP:

An IP address is exclusively provided by your ISP for YOUR network...  Any duplication of it is illegal and prohibited by law.

There are three separate email accounts/ people claiming to be VERY different people, using this IP address...
I did absolutely NOTHING illegal to obtain the IP address. It is provided when a person sends an email if you know where to look as well as cache skype convos/msn convos... 

I will provide documentation of proof that this IP address is shared by these "three people" if the harassment doesn't stop...

I warned you... I'm a woman of my word.. Leave me alone :) 


Exhibit A: And So it Begins....

[7/11/2010 5:37:24 PM] Adam Adams: hello?
[7/11/2010 5:43:52 PM] Adam Adams: Hello! Please add me to your Contact list.
[7/11/2010 5:43:52 PM] Maura: Maura has shared contact details with Adam Adams.
[7/11/2010 5:44:14 PM] Maura: hey
[7/11/2010 5:44:50 PM] Adam Adams: Hello? can you help me
[7/11/2010 5:44:52 PM] *** Call to Adam Adams, no answer. ***
[7/11/2010 5:45:38 PM] Adam Adams: hey- i wondered if you could help me
[7/11/2010 5:45:47 PM] Maura: how can i help you?
[7/11/2010 5:46:03 PM] Adam Adams: god sorry,im really nervous
[7/11/2010 5:46:15 PM] Adam Adams: im shaking and crying right now,im so sorry
[7/11/2010 5:46:53 PM] Maura: what can i help you with?
[7/11/2010 5:47:36 PM] Adam Adams: i hope this doesnt put you out
[7/11/2010 5:47:47 PM] Adam Adams: has your friend filled you in at all?
[7/11/2010 5:47:53 PM] Adam Adams: Virginia?
[7/11/2010 5:51:12 PM] Adam Adams: i would really appreciate any help you could give me,
[7/11/2010 5:51:21 PM] Adam Adams: im so nervous-im sorry
[7/11/2010 5:51:58 PM] Maura: i dont have much time
[7/11/2010 5:52:00 PM] Maura: please
[7/11/2010 5:52:05 PM] Maura: tell me what you need
[7/11/2010 5:53:39 PM] Adam Adams: okay i'm sorry
[7/11/2010 5:53:58 PM] Adam Adams: well, im really worried and scared, and i dont want to be in the limelight
[7/11/2010 5:54:01 PM] Adam Adams: anyway
[7/11/2010 5:54:09 PM] Adam Adams: im 20 from the UK
[7/11/2010 5:54:25 PM] Adam Adams: I've never known my dad.i live with my mother step dad and half brother.
[7/11/2010 5:55:13 PM] Adam Adams: last year in august,my mum sat me down and told me, theres no easy way to say this,but that my potential father was Michael Jackson
[7/11/2010 5:55:37 PM] Adam Adams: she told me, she decided not to tell me to protect me.
[7/11/2010 5:55:46 PM] Adam Adams: when i was little he had the jordie chandler case
[7/11/2010 5:55:46 PM] Maura: what do you want me to do about that?
[7/11/2010 5:55:58 PM] Adam Adams: and as i got older there was the 2nd case
[7/11/2010 5:56:12 PM] Adam Adams: so my mum told me not she thought it was easier for me,not to know
[7/11/2010 5:56:40 PM] Adam Adams: ever since august,ive gotten over the shock. and have felt-scared,sick,worried,sad for months now
[7/11/2010 5:56:55 PM] Adam Adams: and ive been all over the place searching for answers
[7/11/2010 5:57:03 PM] Maura: i dont have contact with michael
[7/11/2010 5:57:05 PM] Maura: im sorry
[7/11/2010 5:57:10 PM] Adam Adams: grabbing on straws
[7/11/2010 5:57:24 PM] Adam Adams: i was told perhaps you could contact some sort of assoiciate?
[7/11/2010 5:57:32 PM] Maura: no
[7/11/2010 5:57:34 PM] Adam Adams: you dont need to give me any details
[7/11/2010 5:57:42 PM] Maura: i dont have contavt with michel
[7/11/2010 5:57:44 PM] Maura: michael
[7/11/2010 5:57:53 PM] Adam Adams: its just,if you knew anyone that could potentially help me
[7/11/2010 5:57:56 PM] Maura: or anything to do with his personal life
[7/11/2010 5:58:09 PM] Maura: i wish i could help you
[7/11/2010 5:58:30 PM] Adam Adams: do you know anyone that could know the family?
[7/11/2010 5:58:32 PM] Adam Adams: no?okay
[7/11/2010 5:58:41 PM] Adam Adams: im sorry to waste your time
[7/11/2010 5:58:52 PM] Maura: no its fine
[7/11/2010 5:59:08 PM] Adam Adams: i just dont even know who my dad is, or if he is even alive
[7/11/2010 5:59:08 PM] Maura: i just dont have contact with michael and people in his family
[7/11/2010 5:59:21 PM] Maura: wouldnt talk something this personal
[7/11/2010 5:59:50 PM] Adam Adams: even if i am his potential son?i mean i could have a whole other family.
[7/11/2010 6:00:01 PM] Adam Adams: i just want to know where i came from.who my dad is
[7/11/2010 6:00:11 PM] Adam Adams: do i have any other brothers or sisters.
[7/11/2010 6:00:21 PM] Adam Adams: but okay,iunderstand if you cant help me
[7/11/2010 6:02:07 PM] Adam Adams: i just dont even know if my potential dad is dead, 20 years without a dad and he could be dead y'know.
[7/11/2010 6:02:13 PM] Adam Adams: thank you for your time anyway
[7/11/2010 6:02:36 PM] Maura: your welcome dear
[7/11/2010 6:02:44 PM] Maura: im here if you ever want to talk
[7/11/2010 6:03:05 PM] Adam Adams: thank you.i guess theres nothin i can do.
[7/11/2010 6:03:13 PM] Adam Adams: i just gotta hope and pray hes alive and well
[7/11/2010 6:03:17 PM] Adam Adams: and that i get to see him
[7/11/2010 6:07:00 PM] Adam Adams: well,it would be really nice to become your friend
[7/11/2010 6:22:29 PM] Adam Adams: ?

Ok. So check this out. THIS is a very small fraction of what started some drama that caused a huge division amongst a group of people that really loved each other. I have sat back and let a lot roll... Im tired of ths.
The convo posted was a skype convo that I had with a person On July 11th...

After a month of digging. I have traced the owner of this skype account. I have also done some investigative work on a three people. I have uncovered MANY facts about these people

Here is the deal EACH and everytime one of your "minions" comes from your room starting some shit, I will post a little bit of information piece by piece ... This information will validate WHO you really are and all of the incredibly shady shit that you have done to fuck with people over the last 2 months...

No more tweet rants or room drive by pm's...
Just fact and truth... dare to try me?
Lets go...

Friday, October 1, 2010

Are they still waiting for Elvis to return?

When do you let go? Why are people expecting Michael Jackson to appear 15 months after he faked his death? Why does Michael not returning equal him being dead? Where do Michael Jackson fans get this sense of entitlement? 
Can someone please provide the logic of faking your death, only to return later to be like "Ya got me!!"
Am I slow? Or does it seem perfectly logical that Michael Jackson would fake his death, stay away, but still find ways for his fans to know that he is ok and has a message to deliver? 

Is something wrong  with me?

Wait... Don't answer that!