Thursday, October 21, 2010

Actions Speak Louder than words

Ok, so a few months ago before all of the crazy drama in hoaxland, myself and some people from my chatroom came up with an idea to have some sort of organization , that would try to act on Michael's message.

It was a really cool idea that got interrupted by some things that started to happen. We never really got the chance to get back to it. It's not hoax related at all actually, but just a way to put forth Michaels message and what he tried so desperately to put out there in to the communties. The importance of children and helping one another out.

There were two separate entities 
1;) Operation S.C.R.E.A.M (Social.Consiousness. Recognizing. Equality And Morality)
I think with this, we were basically going to figure out ways to make people aware important it is have social consciousness in their actions in day to day life. How important it is to accept and respect one anothers differences. This could be done by having a website dedicated to posting stories of social injustice, having things signed and passed and finding different ways to raise online awareness. Mainly getting MJ fans to be a part of it.

2.) Operation C.R.Y (Collectively. Restoring. Youth)
It's always been so important to Michael for people to be aware of children and how important it is for children to BE children. Just in my own chatroom i've seen how children can spend the entire day in front of a computer screen when they should be doing something more productive with their time. If kids do spend a lot of time online there should be resources for them to find things more positive and less dangerous to do. This project could be a way to better safeguard kids online. Set up a positive social network  place. It also could be a part that raises awareness against child abuse, child homelessness and mental illness/issues that often affect teens.

These are ideas just thrown out there. But it's something that I want to start getting back into again. Everybody is sort of scattered and we never really put the idea out there for EVERYBODY. So here it is.

If you are interested in being involved in any way  please send me an email @

I think that the dust has settled with most of the drama and im ready to put my money where my mouth is and DO something that proves that Michael has taught me A LOT about being aware of making CHANGE. If you are interested please contact me.
