Thursday, November 11, 2010

Breaking news

Yo. I just heard breaking news and wanted to comment on it but before I do

before people start talking shit like V is for vagina a.k.a Leahcim Jackson, I just wanted to say that yes I was away at a treatment facility for a week and now im doing outpatient. No it wasn't rehab wtf? But yeah it doesn't matter. 
Hey (V)agina, guess what even though it could have probably fucked me up, i sat down and watched your lame ass videos today and laughed my ass off. HAHAHAHAAHAHA damn! If you are going to bring a bitch down at least get some REAL dirt on me instead of some fucking screenshots and pictures. Get a life you fucking loser. Pissed because nobody believed that you were the 02 guy. Pissed because your a fucking lame that people are just paying attention to because I haven't been around to bring awesome videos. Shut your weak ass up. Bitch I dont need attention or fame. I already have it boo. You are fucking lame and irrelavent. And im attacking people? WHO. I don't give a fuck about you or any other lames on twitter. I dont know who dontplaygamesv is. those videos are just as whack as yours. None of you pathetic bitches are on my level. So shut the fuck up and get over it. Keep making videos about me because though I dont need attention, I fucking love the spotlight and all that you are doing is making me more popular. YOU ARE A FUCKING LAME. You have done NOTHING to prove that I am Elliot or that I created Jonathan. Now you are trying to fuck with Virignia? Who the fuck is scared of you. She is laughing her ass off at your punk ass. Please if Virginia really wanted to give a fuck and took action against your games your ass would be online crying and begging for forgiveness. But guess what boo? NOBODY gives a fuck. You're lame as hell and all of the people that follow and run with you are LAME. 
Even when i WAS fat, I wasnt a loser and looked better than all of you idiots. Grow up and stop trying so hard. That shit is funny. I am totally serious. I laughed my ASS off at your videos. Like for real what did you expose?  
Guys AGAIN whatever happened to me had NOTHING to do with Vagina Creachim or his loser friends. I was away for a week and now I am doing an outpatient program and im feeling GREAT. Please dont get upset or worry about those lame ass videos or these jealous people talking shit. I told everybody that I made a mistake by lying about some pics to protect my friends. I said I was sorry. Time to get the fuck over it or move on. Because I really don't care what people think. SO ANYWAYS.

Breaking news? In my honest opinion I feel like the track is Michael Jackson. If not fully him, his vocals are mixed in there. What I need to know is, what is the point of using someone else on an MJ track? If Michael was dead and Sony has all of these unreleased tracks, why use a fake one? Also I encourage everybody to check out Pearl Jr.s video on her website. :O Shocking about the breaking news preview.
Im working on tons of shit including myself. :) All I have to say is, if you are being attacked by these loser ass haters, IGNORE THEM. These people are not Michael Jackson fans. They are people who listen to his music and think that they know about him. These are people that like to play God but cant back anything up. THEY need attention. But they are irrelevant and nobody is scared of them. I am not a gamer and neither is Virignia, or Elliot or anybody else in my circle. We were all very close friends and we lost a part of us. Respect that and dont pay attention to these people. They are LOSERS. 

My activity online is limited as part as my treatment but you guys have my email, paltalk and skype if you have questions about stuff. Please ignore the drama. Especially from people who are completely morons.