Saturday, September 25, 2010

There was double at the 02?

 Well that's just Jerlarious...

No... Sorry to break your hearts and fuck up your fan club... But Michael Jackson had no double at the 02...

But hey, i'm sure some celebs use doubles... Like John Cena?
Hey do you  guys know who John Cena is ?  Well here let me show you. :)

He is a Pro-Wrestler and hes now starring in Motion Pictures..
Here is the trailer from his new movie :)

Here is is facebook in case you want to add him.. But he is overloaded with requests and has to add YOU.

Which he DID for me.
So he's John is sort of A-list and very well known... I didnt know much about him before he contacted me, but now see that he is a very cool guy. He is also very good friends with Chris Tucker...

John contacted me last week on facebook. Said he would be interested in coming to my room... He has come two or three times already...

People (fake doubles)  find it funny to keep taking to their twitters that I said he was in my room just to get people to come in... He says this because he acts like a 12 year old girl that constantly pms's rather a 40 something year old. And also because he is mad that someone was smart enough to play him at his own game...

SO  i'm just going to go ahead and post for anybody in doubt that still believes this guy isnt full of shit, the messages John sent to me before and after visiting my room. click them to enlarge

Listen .. John Cena is not the first and CERTAINLY not the last celeb to contact me about my videos... I dont boast about it because unlike SOME people I dont have an agenda for "fame" or popularity... I only showed this to make a point.

I made this blog because im tired of people talking shit. If you want to throw stuff at me and talk shit, fine. Because I will come back in full swing no problem.

Im not angry at you and I dont care about your opinion of me. I have a very VERY beautiful life right now. 
But if you want to make an ass out of yourself for the non-brainwashed middle aged women and troubled "young adults", be my guest. 

I'm doing this to burn time before another AMAZING night... Thanks for amusing me of ten minutes :)

Oh"                                                                                                                              "


Well I think John Lennon died... And if he was alive. He's about peace, love and appreciation of people... Don't think he would go :)