Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fork In The Road...

There are many forks in the road of life. From the first time that we are able to (as infants) make our first conscious decision or choice about something, we also live with consequences of those actions. 
Some people believe that everybody's life has a predetermined "path". Fate? I use to be one of these believers... But my mind has changed in many ways. I now realize that when faced with an action there are always TWO distinct choices. Perhaps you don't realize it because the consequence of one action is unfathomable, but you still have TWO choices.  To execute an action or not... To say something or let it be... To tell the truth or tell a lie, because NOT offering the truth is TELLING a lie, even if you aren't directly asked.  So we are faced with these constant forks in the road of life. 

Do people ever think about that when they question a death hoax or death of Michael Jackson? 
That in BOTH scenarios, Michael would have been faced with many choices. With all four of those choices, there would have been consequences.  Let's look at them.

1.) + Take the propofol and get much needed rest, so that he could be functional during his next rehearsal. 
- (Consequence: Yeah... Your heart could STOP? You aren't in a hospital setting and even a person with little to NO common sense knows this is a hair brain idea)

2.) +Don't take the propofol and lay there until yo ass falls asleep the good old fashioned way. 
- (Consequence: You don't fall asleep at all, suck at rehearsals and get bitched at by the people throwing all of the money into it... But hey, you live to see another day. O_O)

3.) +Don't fake your death. Life can be a bitch and you know it after 50 years of this bullshit. Just hire extra security if you are being threatened, pull out of the shows if you just don't want to do them and get sued, after all everybody is suing you anyways, if you want your kids to have a normal life... Well see previous suggestion, when you are totally broke, they will have a REAL normal life in public school. Maybe you are just sick of "existing"... Get over it. We all have to live life until we kick the bucket. Face it.

-(Consequence: You hire extra security but it isn't enough when some sick person gets past security and grabs ahold of one of you children, pull out of your shows and all of your loyal fans that stuck by you forever are devastated and begin to question your character (for as fucked up as that is) and why they should support their favorite entertainer that promised to entertain but let them down, oh yeah and being SUED by these concert promoters and big wig sponsors, will without a DOUBT leave you penniless... Which comes down to the children and the life that they are accustomed to. Why should they have to bear the consequences of your actions and life choices. Face life like everybody else? Well, your life is NOT like everybody else. And being forced to just "face it" the way that it is, can lead to some very tragic events... Like taking a powerful anesthetic just to sleep... Has anybody EVER questioned what in the fuck could have been bothering Michael SO much that he had to take PROPOFOL just to close his eyes and sleep at night? Really think about that. :( 

4.)+ Fake your death! Why didn't you think of this before? You could totally rebuild your income, your legacy AND remind people of WHAT it is you were HERE for. If somebody is trying to hurt you or threaten you, well problem solved. They can't kill a person that is already dead. You don't have to do 50 grueling shows when you signed up for 10 in the first place!! Your fans couldn't possibly be upset with you because hey... Well not your fault that you died... But what's better, most of your analytical fans will  take a closer look at all of this and really start to question MANY things. What was that one song REALLY about? Did you really WANT to do that? What the hell was Michael Jackson trying to REALLY tell us? What kind of sick people were in his life? How was he so trapped? What kind of father was he? What are his children life/look like? Who WAS Michael Jackson really? Oh my god... Did Michael Jackson even DIE? :O :O :O

-(Consequence: You didn't think of this before, because you knew deep down inside that there are fucking snakes in your life... People that use this "Golden" opportunity to take from you financially and exploit the legacy that you are trying to rebuild.  The media will SURELY find a way to help the masses remember what you are "here" for... A drug addict right? A "Wacko" that was irresponsible and crazy and that TOTALLY always superseded the amazing "cultural dna" you contributed to the 20'th and  21st century. The people that were after you perhaps can't harm you, but can still harm somebody that you love and care for deeply... And you couldn't even go public to grieve appropriately. You didn't have to do your shows thats true, so you do a movie instead. It's a great film, but definitely does not capture your stage magic and NOT a good example of a last performance by the greatest entertainer that ever lived.  A good 50% of your most loyal fans believe that you were murdered and have spent the better part of 15 months absolutely unable to function or stop grieving over this tragic loss. Many "fans" have come try to come to understand your message but confused your message of "love" with just loving YOU and who they THINK that you were. A lot of your fans become resentful, spiteful and mean.  Those that actually believe that you are alive are completely missing the point of WHY you did this and instead develop their own agendas and will hurt other "fans" at any cost.  Epic fail Michael :(  And the children... Well I can't judge that situation because I don't know them. I know that they look sad often and very lost without you. Either way it was a tragic loss of their father to some extent... Either way you have to ask yourself... Was any of it worth it?

Positives and negatives to all actions that we take and all choices that we make. Life is fleeting. But so are moments and so are choices. Any choice that you make, any path that you take in that fork will either comfort you or haunt you for the rest of your life. Can we ever really know which will do which? Of course not. But here is the point that I am trying to make...
Everything that you do in life is a gamble, but a gamble doesn't have to REALLY be a gamble.
A choice doesn't have to be a mistake. It can be a regret-free LIFE LESSON. 

Today, I decided to be a regret-free person and an A-plus student...

Future attempts to make me "regret" knowing you, will fail.  Instead, I will take a long hard look at you, *smile* and remember your face, so that the next time a person comes along, with your agenda of fear, hate and dishonesty, I will close my eyes and see the cliffsnotes imprint of your fuckery in my mind... I will smile and I will turn around and walk away. REGRET-FREE.

Goodnight <3

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